Happy Anniversary HUDL Music!

HUDL Music Celebrates Our One Year Anniversary

On April 1st, 2021, HUDL Music celebrated its 1st anniversary as a live app! Sparked from the imagination of entrepreneur CEO and founder, Lashion Robinson, HUDL Music has become a beacon for indie artists to share their music, visuals, and connect with each other in ways like never before.

Lashion and his nationwide team have been working tirelessly to make HUDL Music much more than just an app. Marrying the concept of social media with music distribution is at the crux of what makes HUDL Music special. As history has shown, indie artists’ biggest hurdle is finding new and creative ways for their music to reach the world without the hassles of algorithms, impossible marketing budgets, and unfair streaming practices. HUDL Music aims to be the hero indie artists deserve by making the platform accessible to all, while focusing in on the very things that indie artists need to succeed.

To give some insight on the history and inspiration behind HUDL Music, we asked its founder Lashion Robinson to talk about HUDL Music’s past, present, and future.

“Back in October of 2018, I felt the pull of the music industry tugging at me again after some time as a former label head. The industry was going through several changes that not only aligned with my own passion for music, but also with my focus on helping the independent artist. 

Seeing how major label opportunities were becoming less of a necessity in the indie artist’s journey, I began doing my research on this sea change in the music business and what I could contribute, as well as how my Vision for the music business of the future aligned with that. 

Then I began to strategize and develop HUDL Music with the mission to elevate, support, and showcase all the amazing talent that indie artists possess. From the very beginning, I knew that I wanted the platform to be a social community first, where artists could directly connect with their fans, as well as each other in order to connect, collab, and create. 

I knew that none of the other social media or music platforms out there had yet done this, and making this new, less noisy way for this to happen was at the forefront of my vision for HUDL Music. I knew this would give us the advantage to attract a myriad of independent artists from all over the world, Who might otherwise go unheard.

We launched the HUDL Music iPhone app in April of 2020 starting with zero users, to now having 25% plus month-over-month growth with several thousand users from around the globe, and growing every day. We’ve been able to attract Independent artists and musicians creating music from across the globe that crosses all genres, as well as all cultures. 

We’re seeing exponential growth in activity on the platform too, with the uploading of music, visuals, news updates and more content, along with ways for fans to connect directly with their favorite independent artists who are using many of the features HUDL Music offers, like the tip jar feature enabling anyone to contribute real money directly to their journeys.

Over the next several months, I’m excited to see our continued growth on the platform, even more amazing independent artists, musicians, bands, MCs, DJs, singers & songwriters and anyone else involved with the creation of the music we all know and love. I’m especially looking forward to launching our music distribution feature very very soon. 

I’m also expecting some amazing things aside from just the music, as we brainstorm more opportunities for artists by creating live virtual experiences, music festivals featuring exclusively  HUDL Music artists, and ultimately becoming a centralized location for everything an indie artist would need to build, launch, and grow their careers in music.

We’ve Accomplished so much in our first year, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for HUDL Music!”

So, as you’ve just heard, HUDL Music is embarking on some amazing things for the future. In this ever-changing world of the music industry, HUDL Music is on the brink of becoming the safe haven for indie artists and music lovers alike.

Are you with us? What are you waiting for? Download the HUDL Music app right now from the Apple Store and create your profile to let your sound be heard! And of course, congratulations to Lashion and the entire HUDL Music family for hitting this milestone and here’s to an even more exciting journey ahead!